Sunday, August 08, 2010


I feel so giddy and excited (despite the fact that my manikurista backed out on our mani-pedi session :|) all because of TOMORROW :)

After the long wait, the rested months and this fabulous start-of-month-celebration, I am now underway to taking my journey towards the corporate world. On the one hand it means:

- Not being able to finish my unfinished business over the summer and beyond.
- Cramming little things to make time for my new schedule.
- Squeezing out extra juices of creativity to dish up corporate outfits, or lack thereof.
- Saying hello to caffeine, stress and sleepless (plus bf-less) nights and days again.
- Weekend 2-day cleansing schedule postponed till end of August because of prior appointments.

On the other it means:

- Love.Work.Love.
- New friends, new environment.
- Gym membership - SERYOSO.
- New lady-like material and non-material things. Hahahaha.
- Self-sustenance and motivation to work for my loved ones and my new life :)

I wish to take pictures on the first day but too bad my Sony camera can't afford to be thrown into nearby bodies of water. Hello.

Wish me luck. And hello, I will try to religiously update this with all my new adventures ♥

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