Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Regrets? I think not.:)

If I have thought better, would I be really regretting a lot of things right now?

Like, taking only one summer class and allotting a lot of time to my other activities perhaps? Or engaging myself in a pseudo-relationship with a person who clearly still has issues with the past?

I think not.

Because if you really consider its context, I do think about the things that I am deemed to plunge in - I bear in mind the consequences and the things put at great risks, the possible regrets even. And maybe, this is just one of those moments when I am caught up with the what-ifs and what could have beens. But, oh well. I'm doing pretty well and I don't see anything wrong with that.

Here I go again with this 'penchant for over analyzing things'. Gaaaah.

I'm going to continue this again soon.

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