Thursday, November 22, 2007

Feeling something stupid like..

I did one of the worst stunts that I could pull off ever. And of all the days I could have done it, it just had to be today.:(

I left my phone at home. I know, stupid right? For a whole day in school, I bore the pain of having to walk around without the company of my cellphone. Who the hell forgets her phone at home? (I mean, aside from my friend Bea who has this habit of leaving hers along with her ID) I know I didn't do it intentionally but still, it was another certified bobo move. :(

All through out the day, I was really happy because of certain highlights. Like our surprise thing for Jem's birthday in Mcdo. It was sweet, short and simple but at least we made him super happy today. It was just Mcdo, donuts and almost the whole block - a simple treat for our dear friend.:)

Happy birthday Jeremy!:)

At the back of my mind, I was hoping that no one would have to need me for meetings like any person in Sanggu or whatnot. I knew that if that'd happened, I'd be heading towards doom. So I tried to enjoy the rest of the afternoon with Mark and the birthday boy. When I got home, so much to my horror, my anxieties were confirmed. Turns out Biancs was grilled by Dean Ang (which was weird because he was so nice to Tin and I during the presentation the other day) and everything in the Sportsfest started going wrong. So panic heightened the tension and provoked Biancs to call for an emergency meeting (take note, all caps message) at 8 pm tonight in Starbucks. Goodness gracious.:( Sam was so nice to even offer to cover up for me had I replied to her message but no. It was already too late when I found out about it.

Uugh. So anyway. I'm purely disgusted with myself. Things haven't been going well lately. Maybe it's the stress. It's only the second week and I've had so much work already - both academic and extra-curricular. I haven't even talked to my boyfriend in 3 days! I'm talking serious heaps of work here fellas! But to great things ahead, it's mommy's birthday tomorrow. And Kara's debut on Saturday. I am in dire need of relaxation now. Even for a while lang. Then I can seriously manage everything else.

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