Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ticking off.

I have emerged as a productive person amidst the temptations to be bedridden and couch potato queen. Here's a list that I vowed to do this sem break. Haha. A lot is still pending. Wooohoo.

1. Room revamp
2. Shopping - done that but can never have enough.;p
3. Sleepover/Basagan night - tonight is THE night baby.
4. Date with hun - finally ugggh
5. Wall paintings
6. CV app for ABR
7. ICT Seminar
8. JGSOM Sportsfest stuff - yes. school work's still after me
9. lunch out, dinner out
10. shop for and read new books
11. dl new tunes
12. get copies of new series
13. beach!!!

Hmm. A bit lacking. Still more. Update soon.:)

Happy Halloween everyone.;)

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