Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ahoy!!!! All aboard.=p Nyaknyaknyak.

I'm really tired.=c Last night I went home at 9 o'clock because my ninong (who just arrived from Ireland), my dad and I had dinner at Galle. We also went to my ninong's condo before we went home.

Well, anyway, it's nearly time for my next class so I'll make this short and quick.

I just want to have something to remind me of the things that I have to do for the coming days. Come to think aabout it, as I was enumerating these stuff to hon last night he thought I was pressuring myself too much. Not really. It's just safe to keep track on things especially now in college when I have to do things on my own.

I had my ACTM and STRAINS interview this morning. They both went well and I hope that I'll get in. I'm going to have my public speaking tests this Thursday because I had them rescheduled.

So there, anyway.

Here's a follow-up to my previous list of things to do:

1. IAC games next week

2. Apply for my driver's license - target date: July 25

3. Apply for my ATM - I have no idea when
- John told me to prepare a copy of my birth certificate and blahblahs

4. DO my portfolio in Physics (which I"m currently working on)


6. Driving lessons with dad

7. Accomplish essay by the end of the week

8. SLE on July 21 (STRAINS event)

Rarrrrrrr. Remember people's birthdaysü

So there, I have to finish my physics to lessen the burden. Toodles=p

***The adjs for the public speaking tests are from the ADS Team B so no ****y for now=p

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