Thursday, December 13, 2007


If there are two random thoughts that are streaming in my mind right now, they definitely have to be:
1. I hate posers and inconsiderate people. They are two distinctively different personalities but I strongly feel for both.
2. I think that everyone is entitled to his own feelings but has limitations to them, nonetheless. I mean, really now. You can't be THAT insensitive of others' feelings.

It's Christmas. It's the time of the year when you're supposed to welcome the season of love and selfless giving. If you get lucky, you might even undergo an epiphany - and hopefully bid adieu your habit of being a pain in the ass. But that's only when you pause for a while and think about what kind of person you've really been. And honestly, being egocentric doesn't qualify as the first step.

I hate it when people pretend that everything is fine and dandy. I guess it has been a defense mechanism for most since it's safer than admitting that something is for seriously going insanely wrong. I don't have a problem with the art of flaunting material things and whatnot. Hey, if it gives you a sense of security then good for you.

I hate how people think they're the center of this ego-saturated world. Not all things should actually be bannered. You don't really need to prove how much less worthy of a person you actually are.


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