Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Well not actually. There were occasional lapses but I was consistent enough to dodge any temptation that would come my way. It's not so much of breaking a bad habit. It never was anyway. I just wasn't that stressed enough to break the urges of going back to the smocket.
Because I'm so damn frustrated by you. :'(
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Sometimes people write the things that they can't say.
So as usual, watching this kind of TV series in the middle of the night makes me go about and think of... I don't know. STUFF. Haha. But before I crack myself up and lose every bit of intellectual sense that I could possibly make, I think I may as well concede to this emo post.
This week was, as surprising as it is, not the usual feeling of all sorts. Especially if sleeping and eating patterns are involved, more than eyebags and squirming insides, there's an anxious heart, a semi-insane brain and frustrated hormones, I guess well, this must be quite serious.
Sometimes, doing great doesn't seem to fill the void anymore. What's worse is that, no matter how I try to keep myself busy and peaceful, attending to work and just ducking away from every potential source of distraction, it just always finds me. :| Or I may, out of no apparent reason, bump into it out of nowhere.
It's hard enough to let things pass when everything around just seems to constantly demand for something. But I can't get to all of them at once, not right now when I feel like I'm about to tip off the edge of my left foot toe - the only one thing that's keeping me balanced all this while. I have my own pace and my own time but how come? ...
PARANOID. I don't think I could handle this at my best so I apologize in advance. :(
Okay this is all mumbo-jumbo. All I know is that I was doing okay and then here's another big wave about to devour me. OHWELL.
I'll put this poetic rendezvous to rest, or rather lack thereof.
So what's a damsel in distress got to do if there isn't any option left? I say, SLEEP! Haha.
- Lucas Scott, One Tree Hill
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Something's brewing.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
After 2 tormenting days of all-coffee and no-sleep because of this thing called Marketing (and all the factors that count in) - the first pass. The moment we realized that one week is not enough to finish the three chapters with extremely limited resources (internet and school databases), we knew we were in for a rough week.
Imagine the worst combinations ever: loooong hoooours sitting on my poor ass, eyes, ears and hands on my lappy and spending 80% of my time in Matteo toiling away like an elf.
On the brighter side, we were able to finish it and even beat Matteo's closing time - like we did last Friday. HAHAHA. GRABE.
I slept over at Laine's just to make sure we'd finish the project in time for Saturday. We wanted to go out Saturday night so we adjusted our ETA (estimated time to accomplish) in the afternoon. After that, it's sleeeeeeep and night out. But since my friends and I sorely wanted to go to Sensual Saturdays in Alchemy, oh what the heck. My week was that stressful to push me into spending the night out with a maximum of 3 hours of sleep.
The next day was a movie [Dark Knight - KEWLNESS] with Nie and SHOPPING in ATC. WOOOHOOO. I love it. :)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
This was never necessary.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
For the weight obsessed.
Are Fat Calories More Fattening Than Carbs?
If you're one of millions of Americans trying to lose weight, you probably wish you had a more effective diet than the one you're on now. And if you're wondering whether Dean Ornish's low-fat diet will help you shed pounds better than Dr. Atkins' low-carb menu, the answer is simple: it doesn't matter. Scientists know that on a molecular level, different types of starch and different types of fat have varying effects when they hit the body. But in terms of weight loss, low-fat diets and low-carb diets overall are equally effective (and, most of the time, neither will help you keep the weight off long-term), says Walter Willett, chair of the department of nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. Here's why.
Q:Will eating a calorie of fat make you fatter than eating a calorie of carbohydrate?
A: From many kinds of studies conducted over years, we are quite confident now that a calorie from fat will cause a similar amount of weight gain as a calorie from carbohydrate. There are some interesting questions about whether eating carbohydrate calories versus fat calories will make you eat more calories, but based on what you put into your mouth, it's pretty clear that the source of the calories is really not important.
[Whether fats or carbohydrates are more filling] is one issue that's been raised - but it's been raised on both sides. The best way to get to the bottom line is to look at long-term studies where we randomize people to a high-fat/low-carb diet or to a low-fat/high-carb diet and follow them for at least a year or more. That kind of study takes into account the possibility that one kind of diet provides more satiety; so, over the long run you would see more weight loss on that diet. But those studies - half a dozen or more such studies have been done - show quite clearly that the percentage of calories from fat has very little effect on long-term weight loss.
One possible footnote to this issue relates to some recent evidence on trans fats. We have seen in our studies that people who eat more trans fats seem to gain more weight, even when the total calories are the same. I was a little skeptical about that, in part because we're not quite sure we can measure calorie [intake] precisely enough. [It's hard for people to track their portion sizes to the gram, or even be sure of exactly what they're eating, especially if they ever eat out.] But in recent five-year feeding study in monkeys - they're animals so you can control their diets - the monkeys on the high-trans-fat diet gained more weight. They gained about 7% of their body weight over a five-year period, compared to the monkeys on a low-trans-fat diet, who gained about 1.5% of their body weight over five years.
So there may be something more complicated going on there. But there's not any good data [to explain why a calorie of trans fat should cause more weight gain than a calorie of something else]. It may be that on the high-trans-fat diet you're more likely to push those calories into your fat cells rather than your muscle cells - and muscles burn calories 24 hours a day. In the long run, that could make a difference in weight gain. But that's speculation. We're really not sure.
We've now looked at over 250,000 men and women for up to 30 years, and we [also] haven't seen that the percentage of calories from fat or from carbohydrates in your diet makes any difference in relation to heart attacks, various cancers, or stroke. Having said that, the type of fat is very important, and so is the type of carbohydrate. So we find that trans fats, again, are particularly harmful with regard to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. On the other hand, unsaturated fats are actually beneficial in terms of reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It's the same with carbohydrates. The total amount is not important. But high intake of refined starch and sugar is related to a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes, whereas high-fiber whole-grain carbohydrates are related to a lower risk. That's not too surprising, as we know that high intakes of sugar and refined starch have an adverse effect on blood glucose levels.
So the quality of the diet is really important, but just looking at fat versus carbohydrate misses where all the action is. View this article on
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Stress ball. Woaahoaah.
Speaking of stress and a ball, yesterday while I was in need of a new umbrella, I found myself wandering around the LS Bookstore and perusing its many non-bookstore related merchandise. Although, I have to say they're brilliant and essential to a student's everyday life - you know each person has to have a device that will help him/her cope with the stress. Hence me, the amazing splurger on nonsensical things like... TADA! My very own STRESS BALL.
Yes. It was so white and squishy and shaped after a volleyball that it just called my name, immediately ridding me off of my stress. HAHAHAHA.
I'm planning to paint it tri-colored blue, yellow and white like a Mikasa, complete with my own personal touch. Hahaha. :)
Some things to be stressed right about now:
a. MARKETING first pass - 0 group output. [CRYYY]
b. Projects here and there - CoSA, Sanggu Junior batch and SOM Week deliverables
c. PolSci papers and readings - AGAIN
d. Events - RAAWR
e. CS - ohmaygad. Not another groupwork.
Meanwhile, some things to look forward to:
a. CoSA PR VP and AVP quickfix photoshoot for GA and PR purposes. HAHA
b. Family get-together and Engaz night out on Saturday
c. Business group discussion and sit down lunch on Sunday :)
Get ready ball! You are in for a lot of squeezing! <3
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The perks of cramming. Must be U.B.E.
I'm currently making a ygroup for my Program Committee for SOM Week. A task I have delayed long enough for the past week. GAAAH. I hate this. I really do. But well, I've done many a thing not really related to school work and stress over the weekend so it serves me right. I should finish everything within this morning. HAHA. :D
On the brighter side, nothing beats relaxing and patching broken relationships within a span of two days. It all began last Wednesday when I ran across my good friend Rica and she introduced the meaning of U.B.E. to me.
For those who don't know (and a loser like me, who found out only now) UBE means the Ultimate Bonding Experience. I know right. It's a kind of jargon used for orgs, org activities and most commonly by friends. It's been around for like forever and I'm one of the last to find out! Hahaha. Let's say for example, I'm going out with my friends this weekend because we haven't had an opportunity to have an UBE for the longest time. YAAAY. Alchemy here we come. <3
Friday - I was having a really bad Thursday evening until Teptep asked me if I could sleepover in her place for an ultimate UBE time and a girls-only-night-out on Friday. I wasn't able to ask my parents though seeing that we had this huge rift caused by their temporary insanity/paranoia with me apparently being pregnant and cranky (yikes, long story) at home and not being open to them yadayada. LALALALA. But anyway. I told Tep I'd make it up to her by asking her to dinner which she glady agreed to. So off we went. Oh it was love. Japanese food galore in Kamirori, ice cream, Centerstage and margaritas! :)
My parents and I also had a huge heart to heart talk on the way home. So that was eventually settled. *WHEW*. I guess I'm looking forward to a new and improved loving relationship with my parents. (Not that I need one. It was okay until their end got messed up. HAHAHA)
Saturday - I had the usual Saturday routine only that I had to stay longer in school because I had to attend a seminar on Advertising and Promotions. It was quite good actually. I just wished that my groupmates in the GD was more enthusiastic about selling a Durian-based toothpaste. HAHAHA. Go Dur-YUUUM. Good job Vernes. :)
Then Reg texted me asking if I was game for an inuman session at Jo's house. Something random that I was actually excited about. I had to go out really late because I fell asleep until like 9 in the evening. After that, it was liempo, pizza, BAILEY's (which I now know how to make using a simple mix of stuff) and chips.
And of course, the highlight of the night: Wii Sports. HAHAHAHA :) I could just stay at Jo's house playing games forever!!!
Sunday - Because I stayed up really late the previous night (I lurked around and watched tv with my bro), I woke up really late the next morning upon finding out that we were going to have a Santillan clan lunch at the newly-renovated house that my Tito used to own (which we bought and technically belongs to us now). I had to make salad and break my supposedly underway diet. HONOES. I'm really gaining some serious weight. :|
It was an afternoon of revelations and happy chitchats: plus inihaw, salad, the usuals and ice cream. There's gonna be another one when the whole family will confront my lolo about his drinking problem and a send-off for my tito and his family who're now migrating to the States. :)
See? Nothing here says anything about school work and whatnot. And I have to panic at this point because first pass for Marketing is in a few days and I still have papers and a loooot more to do.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Real estate stresscapade.
By 10:30 tomorrow morning, we should have come up with a great variety of hardware and software combinations that these realtors can choose from. Ideally we don't have to worry about the budget so Jecky and I are just shoving in products ranging from the Dell Vostro, Lenovo Thinkpad, the Sony Vaio notebook and the HP Compack Business notebook with a tablet PC feature suitable for signing contracts - one of the essential transactions in real estate.
I'm also suggesting that we add a PDA selection along with the hardware since it's also helpful for realtors to carry around such a flexible gadget. Toss in a Blackberry or a PalmOne to complete the list.
Voila. My stress just heightened and I think I may have to crawl to my bed (it's barely 10 inches beside me).
I still have so much stuff to do, so much to read and so much to attend to tomorrow. PLEASE.
LEMME freakin' sleep. @_@
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Feeling funkaaay.
I think I'm beginning to understand the true meaning of a paradox - you know, two very opposite things that happen at the same time. [And I'm not talking Theological terms here. More on the lighter, shallower and trivial stuff.]
For the past few days I could never be more thankful with the way my life is setup even if the atmosphere can be quite demanding. Aside from constantly trying to keep up with the jobs on routine and stuff to attend to here and there, I also have to squeeze all the patience, optimism and strength that I have in every inch of my body just so I can put a closure to every day that passes. Life is gonna be more than rock hard if I don't suck it up.
Which now brings me to the point which I want to underscore. In spite of how everything is seemingly given and laid out in front of me, is there anything in this world that I could possibly want?
Answer: Our current topic in our Theo class is none other than L.O.V.E.
According to Sir Asis' lecture, we all undergo three stages of what we think may be love, when in fact it's not.
1. Falling in love
2. Disillusionment
3. Falling out of love
And then, that's when true love begins - because real love is when you have fallen out of love but still chooses to love in the end. See, love is not a feeling it is a choice. For if it were a feeling, then we won't be able to love those who are difficult to love.
Oh such words of wisdom coming from a Theology class.
Funny though because I've never felt so completely alone in my entire life without having any qualms about it. I'm practically surrounded with everyone I love yet I don't exactly have the person I want to love right beside me (he's busy cavorting with other girls and uhhh). And I'm not actually bitter or spiteful upon seeing love birds diffused almost everywhere; they're actually nice to look at. But as much as possible I try to veer away from tensions I can easily sense from friends: you know, two people about to develop that stage of liking one another and couples who just want to spend their quality time together. In short, no more 3rd wheeling for me. HAHA.
And then I sat beside the window late this afternoon while the rain was pouring and the perfect view of the football field was beginning to be clouded by the mist forming outside. It was a bit damp and cold, nothing but a cup of coffee and a pile of books under a warm bed to complete my reverie. But anyway, I sure could have wallowed at the fact that nobody was there to hug me then and there yet I didn't. I was just breathing the air and appreciating the perfect ambiance to study. Having the leisure to work on my own time and pace has given me this certain kind of comfort, the kind that leaves me positively longing for something worth looking forward to.
Perhaps I've been busy getting so emotionally attached and being disillusioned to different kinds of people for the last decade that I've never been able to enjoy this feeling of liberation, of actually being me and of being mature enough to handle the situation.
After all,

that awakens the soul;
that makes us reach for more,
that plants the fire in our hearts
and brings peace to our minds.
- Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Bye bye love.

[from yesterday's draft - July 7, 2008]
Haha. Okay well maybe the thought of being a part of the tournament itself can console me at that. Running around fetching ice and eating pizza instead of doing secretariat work wasn't what I signed up for anyway. :)
The excitement ends today as the finalists move up to semis and then octos and then to the grand championship round in Meralco Theatre this coming Thursday. Then the debaters from Asia and Australia will have their last chance to tour Philippines and then off they go to their home sweet home. Awww. I am so stalking Faith (who's leaving for Singapore on Thursday) in the coming two days for my loot bag [includes: Shu Uemura sample products (sponsor of Women's Night), an Australs shirt, manual and other freebies]. YAAAY.
The hype of the tournament was just so ecstatic: seeing Aussies, Indians and people of different nationalities sharing one common passion and coming together to discuss politically relevant issues in the society. I hope Ateneo brings home the bacon this year and will luckily end up in the honor roll of the Australs - a proof that Australs 2008 was not just about us convening the tournament, but also a time to show that besides what the Philippines has to offer, it also takes pride in its people in this case, the best debaters. :)
So as the tournament caps off with just a few more days left, I'm quite thankful that I have shared the stress (though not as much as Bobby, David, Kate and Faith I guess) with all the other people in the Organizing Committee. This doesn't take place every so often and the next Australs in the Philippines may not be after a few more years but this was just a total blast. I would have wished to do so much more in order to really feel the Australs vibe (you know like sleeping in Astoria and attending social events or debating itself - HAHA) but it was enough that I was part of the behind the scene fretting and admin-dealing for the event to be successful. I was able to bond with people along the way and though I miss the debating scene for quite so long, I know I may never be able to do it as often again. Nonetheless, this experience has helped me grow into not only the debater that I once was, or still am but hopefully the lawyer/career woman that I will be in the future.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Making love to bootay music.
Friends and Events! <3

Rule: Can be anything random as long as not school and stress-related!
15. CINDERELLA The Musical (starring Lea Salonga) - we're getting Lower Box seats! :)