Sunday, July 20, 2008


I had such a great weekend. BOW.

After 2 tormenting days of all-coffee and no-sleep because of this thing called Marketing (and all the factors that count in) - the first pass. The moment we realized that one week is not enough to finish the three chapters with extremely limited resources (internet and school databases), we knew we were in for a rough week.

Imagine the worst combinations ever: loooong hoooours sitting on my poor ass, eyes, ears and hands on my lappy and spending 80% of my time in Matteo toiling away like an elf.

On the brighter side, we were able to finish it and even beat Matteo's closing time - like we did last Friday. HAHAHA. GRABE.

It's a good thing my groupmates and I happen to have a pretty quick reboot time so we were able to suck it up and hold ourselves together up to the last minute. Friday was concluded with a food binge session in Teriyaki Boy and ooooh I'm beginning to <3 Japanese Fridays.

Day 1. :)

Tboy Madness. <3>

I slept over at Laine's just to make sure we'd finish the project in time for Saturday. We wanted to go out Saturday night so we adjusted our ETA (estimated time to accomplish) in the afternoon. After that, it's sleeeeeeep and night out. But since my friends and I sorely wanted to go to Sensual Saturdays in Alchemy, oh what the heck. My week was that stressful to push me into spending the night out with a maximum of 3 hours of sleep.

The dj's got me feelin' like I did when I first met you. :)

The next day was a movie [Dark Knight - KEWLNESS] with Nie and SHOPPING in ATC. WOOOHOOO. I love it. :)

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