Sunday, January 14, 2007

Getting my life back.

In the midst of cramming and a huge pile of work to do, I simply cannot resist the temptation to do a bit of blogging to complete my 'oh-so-moving-on-and-inspired-by-friends-weekend.'

I finally know what to do. I have convinced myself to do every possible means to just live life peacefully, away from these unnecessary troubles and tribulations.

Yes. That is the spirit.

Before Raffy went away (last December, over a month after we broke up), I was living life at its best and just doing everything to keep me busy and happy. When he came back to open the last formal closure that we had, I thought it was another possible shot for something which was long-term. Well, maybe because we had that pace in our relationship before. I gave him a chance with the caveat that it's up to his discretion if he screws it up. Other than that, then, it's pretty much over. I was kinda expecting that the 'game' would last longer than a week. But then, it just didn't.

What intentions that he had, I may never know. What he feels about it now, I have no idea. What I do know is that I barely know Raffy now. (know, know know redundancy) From the guy who has loved me long enough to share countless things with him, I got really hurt with what he did and with what he's doing right now. Yes, I said that I'd be happy with whatever makes him happy. But to the extent that he no longer cares about the feelings of other people? No way.

I was kinda expecting that the love that we had changed him somehow. But it seems like he drastically worsened and changed into another person. Now I'm stuck here, being miserable and disbelieving with a very much inflated ego because I know that he could do much better than with that ugggghh. Kid.

So whatever. The second week back was fun. Tuesday, we had unlimited siomai at DnD at Eastwood, then we had an inuman session last Friday at Cantina in celebration of Arnold's 18th birthday. The next week is welcoming us with a lot of work and hell no... MIDTERMS.

Oh, that's the week after next. I don't know why I feel like throwing my life away when in fact, there is a lot of stuff ahead of me. Like my lolo and lola's 50th anniversary, my tita's baby's baptism and a lot of other stuff. School spells work all over it. I have my discernment talk and varsity accreds...

Yeah. I feel so much at ease right now. And since, I'm getting my life back, I might as well continue doing my research paper draft.:)


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