Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Be back before sunrise.

Yummy. :)

'Cos I think I will literally have to put off my essential need for sleep in the coming week. Let's take a glimpse of what's ahead shall we?

September 1 - 5, 2008

a. Monday [8:00-8:10 ] - Philo orals
b. Tuesday [
1:50 - 2:20] - CS 30 oral defense
c. Wednesday [
6:00 to 7:30] - Cs30 Midterms (the forever damned test. HAHAHA. It's a sign not to push through with it)
d. Thursday [
4:30 to 7:30 ] - Polsci Midterms
Friday [5:50 to 6:00] - Theo orals

- a treat for every delightful day of the week. :)

Props to Sir Gabby for moving the 3rd pass of Marketing originally set on Saturday. One less thing to worry about.

Talk about the mother of all HELL WEEKS. Not only that, an event after and more more more deadlines. The bad news: no side reading for me. I don't have any license to hold a book unless it's a Philosophy book or a POS reading.

The good news: I don't think there's any. :)) But oh well.

Wish me luck. <3

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