Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is getting some.

In many aspects, I would consider myself a very frustrated writer trying to imitate the styles I'd become familiar with upon reading various books, applying them to my blogs, any other existing forms of doodling and whatnot. And since I am quite sure that the person behind me (here in Matteo) is snigggering at the site of my blogging cahoots, (thanks to my ginormous LCD display of a laptop) I think I may cut this lame attempt to sound like Bella of Twilight or the mysterious Gossip Girl. HAHAHA.

So what have I been up to lately? Nothing much. I've been pretty cooped up since I decided to join the bandwagon and embrace the hysteria myself. YES, just like every year when I go on a hiatus and ceremonious crashing, I tip myself off a great deal of overdose when it comes to my flair of addictions. Last year it was Gilmore Girls (which took me a long time to forget until I was eventually strong enough to keep those dvds away) and now this year, thanks again to my good friend Teptep, it's Stephenie Meyer's bestselling novel since 2005, Twilight series.

Hence the cliche: My exact brand of heroin.

And what's really been up and going about this is the fact that I've found myself another distraction (and the last thing that I need is one) that will keep me totally insane for the weeks to come. It's like having a multiply personality disorder wherein I battle among all the persons that I have to be and want to be. On the one hand, I have to prioritize and attend to all my responsibilities and on the other, I just want to lock myself up and be absorbed by the story. Of course at this point I would have to embrace the casualties of almost always being a full-pledged loner, having to do things on my own and occasionally miss the hype of being social, and all. But what's the worse could happen, if not self-inflicted depression bourne out of the absence of another sane being to converse with? Hmmm.

I have: 2 oral tests (Philo and Theo), a midterm exam (in Pol.Sci.), a 3rd pass (in Marketing) and an oral defense (for CS 30). This is rather a chunky feat for me to handle with two bare hands. So I don't know how, or in any other way, I could combat the urge of storming the bookstore and buying the complete series and bury myself along with it.

Just like I did the whole weekend. Let me just say that engrossment is a total understatement. I've been mesmerized, smitten, dazzled at how a novel could be intricately written, enough to sweep off the reader's feet. Coincidentally, a hopeless romantic like me can't help but be stuck in the realms of alternate reality that this love story can provide, wishing a thousand times that I could just be in the shoes of Bella and that I could find my own Edward.

Or something like that. While the idea might be compelling, staying hooked on this night and day is causing me some form of life disorder, driving me more insane by the minute.

Teptep started her own hysteria months ago and I ended up ignoring it because I actually thought I had better things to do. But oh, that fateful Saturday night when I decided to ditch a party thrown by someone so close to my heart, I started leafing through the pages and ended up bringing the book home. And there it started.

Could you blame me if I choose to isolate myself and focus on getting over this phase in the meantime? Ha ha ha. It's like one among the others. A sudden addiction that's definitely going to make my heart overpalpitate in the extreme. And how much time I would allow this to consume me, I'm not quite sure unless I muster enough resistance to blur the lines between reality and the other world.

LOL. I must be freaking myself out. :)

There's a movie for this you know. I've only read the first book - 3 more to go: New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and Stephenie Meyer's up and coming Twilight from Edward's point of view (whose rough first chapter I was able to read) Midnight Sun. I'm sure I'll get over this once I finish reading the 4th. God please help me resist the claws of evil just for the coming two weeks so I could focus on my event and academics.

Unlike Bella who's risking her life for the man she loves, I'm very much ordinary than her to the point of tediousness. I haven't found my Edward, or anything that's even a quarter of what he's supposed to be.

Most importantly, I have a super mortal life to live. The one that can't afford to be compromised over a really overwhelimg book, no matter how great it is.

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