Saturday, August 02, 2008

Pardon me for being such a girl.

Since I have abandoned this temporarily due to the hype of this week's events, I think this entry deserves some serious explanation. HAHAHA.

This morning I woke up with one of my worst hang overs - the sheets felt so mushy, so did my body (sordidly mushy), the ceiling was spinning like vanilla skies and my head was aching like crazy. SO WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?:|

It started when things took a turn - when I decided to engage myself in a super cheeeeesy conversation with this guy well let's call him BOY PIPI.

Now Boy Pipi here is this random classmate whose existence (promise, cross my heart, hope to die) I didn't have any idea of until one random Marketing sleepover night when we started YM-ing - and then I found out that he's this super hot former commercial model who always tops the most sought after guy list in my batch thereafter. To cut the story short, we've been sort of like cyber friends whose friendship is limited to ym, text and phone conversations within a span of almost 3 weeks. HAHAHA. SOOO HIGH SCHOOL.

The only shred of personal interaction we've actually had so far was this one time in class when I asked him for a sheet of yellow pad. I won't even bother to tell the story as it might bore you. But anyway, things have gone deeper and far enough to be stupidly stuck in this ilang stage. Or so I think.

Fast forward. A quick roll call in special events this week.

Ph101 Mayhem

Because I am vulnerable to uuhhh almost anything, I agreed to a 2-hour long phone conversation with Boy Pipi for no apparent reason whatsoever. Worse, I had to skip my Philo paper which I had to submit the next Tuesday, making me feel uber regretful and uber crappy and uber mediocre and uber I don't know. I don't have any idea how to make amends for that inexcusable act. GAAAAAH.

Umagang Kay Ganda

This was a totally random experience with my dad. He just found out the day before that he was to appear on TV in an interview segment in this morning show. HAHAHA. So of course I wanted to go with him to the shoot since I didn't have morning classes anyway. It was tolly cool - the lights, the cameras, the action and of course me, the photographer and the coffee person. HAHAHA. WOAH. Sorry na dad.

IgNight Canceled = Ignited Friendship Much? ;p

Okay. What a subtitle. Hahaha. Due to the insistent perturbness of the weather, the IgNight core team was forced to cancel the night show and move it to another date - and I heard it's gonna be in December. Woooow. So faaar away huh. But anyway, we (Sanggu and the rest of the eager LS people) were forced to relocate ourselves like refugees after the St.Ignatius mass in Gesu to get a hold of the free food (oo, refugees nga) from VP Cuyegkeng. YEAHMEN. Bix was with me so she got to hang out with the rest of the Sanggu people. Of course, it would be sorely boring that way so the night took a turn, with the twists making the night more surprising than it was intended to be. Tep and Flip fought and Bix and Se needed to get home so I, being the legendary fifth wheeler had nowhere else to go. Guess where I landed?

Harhar. In a rather familiar bedroom, eating chocolates, ranting about boys, watching a chick flick and talking about the randomest stuff. *Tooot's* house! :) Yown eh. So of course I guess that's where it all got settled. HOPEFULLY.

ANYWAY, pictures are all uploaded in my multiply. I'm too tamad to give updates. HAHA.

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