Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Is this really normal? I'm like blogging every chance I get. Oh well.♥

I'm kinda excited for this afternoon's debate match. Wooohooo. My first time as an adjudicator. Luckily, I found this copy of the ADS modules saved in this computer terminal so I can read it for a few pointers in adj-ing. I actually thought that it would be impossible for me to fly all the way to Parañaque after my 1:30 class. I'm even tempted to cut so I can leave early.=s But no. They just have to wait for me. Hahaha=D I was pretty pissed off because of the conflicts prior to this event. I am supposed to have my guidance interview this afternoon. Oh, wait. I mentioned that in the previous entry. =D

Anyway, I'm still going. I want to see some action. We're going to have full debates this Friday. Yipeee. I don't know why I'm so hyped up. Is it because of the yema?

Well. I think people who know me can answer that question. Debate is my passion. Even if I had a lot of careers before and after this (i.e. band vocalist, singer, cheerdancer...etc.) Iwould always go back to this craft. The craft that I love.

So no matter how I suck at trainings (for now...) I would always have the spirit to learn more and be better in every aspect of debating. This filed can make me go places, literally and figuratively. (Think Athens, Greece and Paris, France)

The adrenaline rush of debating can't be compared to anything else (except...)

I have what it takes. I just have to train harder to be better. So watch me whoop that ass.


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