Sunday, September 03, 2006

As Mau would put it, papers bring joy. Yeah right.=D

[Mood] Super ecstatic yet pissed at the heat wave.
Currently listening to: Come to me - P. Diddy feat. Nicole Scherzinger

Yeah. So last night was a series of pleasant events. Last night, operatively meaning that the later part of the day. I tolly regret having to go to the final screening for the Mvation Host Hunt. Well first because DJ Jose (which was soooooo hot btw) was there and that I was going up against the Orsem Hosts. Professional hosts and the other seniors as well. Only two of us were freshmen and yeah... it was pretty much a hassle.

But then again, I suppose it was worth a shot.

So here I am, doing my paper with my ever so energetic mood. But it's beginning to get drained because of the heat wave. I'm gonna say this again. I wish I had a laptop so that I can work on my papers in my room. At least dun, aircon pa.

Gotta go.♥♥♥

[EDIT] I friggin' hate Sundays. For some reason, I haven't really managed to finish and proofread my paper in English. Yeah. I did some side stuff, including making my homemade salsa dip with cornchips. It was a major disaster but well... I had np other choice but to eat it. And then I went on driving. Boy, was my father fuming mad... I already forgot the basics of driving. It was really long ago since my first driving lesson.

I'm really pissed at him. It's like there's this imposed rule that he won't ever talk to me on Sundays. Not a call, not even a reply to my texts. Okay. So why bother? Then he says sorry come Monday. Yeah. I get it. I won't talk to you. ever I hate this. Why does he have to do this? Argh. Enough with the ranting issues.

So now, I'm going to rock on doing my English paper. Yeah.


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